Postcards from the Darkroom Series "Back by popular demand, Postcards from the Darkroom is a feature on Haptic Press by Sean Lotman. All images posted will be scans of his color prints handmade in his darkroom. A lover of narrative and color and travel, Sean hopes to tell a story or at least convey
ARTIST FILM: Meditations on Life and Photography with Eric Kim
Directed, Concept, Produced, Poetry by Cindy Nguyen Artist interview with Eric Kim Marseille, 2017 Director's Statement Who are you? Are you the sum parts of your past selves, a dream for legacy and the hereafter, a vision for something more? A film like no other, Meditations is an intimate
HAPTICLABS KYOTO OFFICE's eternal return to CREATIVE EVERYDAY. Art concept, film, poetry by Cindy Nguyen Featuring: Illustrations by Annette Kim Photography by Eric Kim Sounds by: Kyoto, the city "Blazo" - Distant Graphite - "Blue in Green" - Voyage "Tank" - Cowboy
“HAPTICLABS” Visual Poem by Cindy Nguyen YES to playful experiments to dream, to wonder, to make, to see an eternal return to the creative every day. NO to dreadful apparitions of self doubt, anxiety, the future, that faint whisper of Fear disguised as Reason. Sounds by: - "Blazo" - Distant
Lifestyle Guide Visualization: Travel Photography Tips
From "Lifestyle Guide" visualization series: TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. Distilled lessons from Eric Kim simplified and accompanied with visual images to help traveling photographers. Click here to download the full resolution pdf. Watch Eric Kim explain the lessons in further detail if you would
Street Photography Visualization: How To Find The Perfect Street Photography Camera
From "The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Street Photography" visualization series: HOW TO FIND THE PERFECT CAMERA FOR YOU. Distilled lessons from Eric Kim simplified and accompanied with visual images to help what street photographers find the perfect street photography camera. Click here to
Street Photography Visualization: What To Look For When Shooting Street Photography
From "The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Street Photography" visualization series: WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN SHOOTING STREET PHOTOGRAPHY. Distilled lessons from Eric Kim simplified and accompanied with visual images to help what street photographers should look for when going out to shoot street
Street Photography Visualization: How To Overcome Your Fears of Photographing Strangers
From "The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Street Photography" visualization series: HOW TO OVERCOME YOUR FEARS OF PHOTOGRAPHING STRANGERS. Distilled lessons from Eric Kim simplified and accompanied with visual images to help street photographers overcome their fears photographing strangers. Click