So this is the sound of my voice if I, your mother, were to speak to you, my child. Nhưng tại sao tiếng mẹ nghe lạ quá vậy? You translated me. Rendered me visible, comprehensible, communicable outside of that time and place where no words were exchanged, only faraway glances, tensed
your eyes, I fux wit it as it traces the chimera creases of my lips parsed revealing everything and nothing in a breathless sigh. your dreams, I fux wit it as it neatly encases me in glass displays of enlightened beauty against the shadowy contours of science and fantasy. your murmurs,
Film & Poem by Cindy A. Nguyen Chapter 1 What year did that happen? Before liberation. / Trước khi giải phóng When did you go to school? Before liberation. When did you become a farmer? After liberation. When did you meet dad? After liberation. When did you want to leave? After
The Slow Undoing of Velcro Shoes
My mom speaks a particular linguistic formula of Vietnamese. Take two generations of refugees, Multiply it by memory, nostalgia, and fierce loyalty, Subtract contemporary Vietnamese đổi mới economic changes and internet slang, Add some Catholic guilt, the weekly Penny Saver free section, and
Thank you everyone, for coming today. To commemorate the life of “IMSORRY” You were always there. Inserted between the pleasantries of Hello, Howareyou, and Imfine. You turned the vinyl with stylistic ease the second before the room could notice the cacophony of contradictions: Staccato,
Morning: The debt of days past leaden with expectation, disappointment, reality. Eyes flicker open to a ceiling of peeling paint washed with the wonder of soft sunlight peering through sheer curtains. Repeated motions: Apply a new face Reshape the body Adorn with subtle details enough to
Hanoi Song / Hà Nội Sống Film
The sounds of the city — the torrential rains, construction sites, tranquil cafes, continuous traffic— play together as music notes to form a song of the city. Sống, means “to live.” In this film, I weave together vignettes and sounds of life in Hanoi. Why I made this: Hanoi has changed me. And
Life is Fleeting